Friday, June 03, 2005

Odd Numbers

Okay call me weird. But I have this thing
with odd numbers. Don't like even numbers
and refuse to use them. If you will notice
the times on all ( what few of them their are)
my blogs...they are odd numbers and always will
It took Annie about 5 years to notice I count
to seven with my fingers. Repeatedly count
to SEVEN. She ask me one day what I was doing?
I am counting of 7. What are
you talking about? I count to seven with
my fingers, like a drummer drums.
I also count to seven with my teeth.
It drives her nuts.

As we sit on the couch watching a movie
or driving in the car my fingers are
moving in rhythm counting to seven.
Any and every variation that you can
reach seven.

If there is an even number I find a way
to make it odd...Now this really drives
her nuts. Lets say there are 6 cars in
a row....then it's 7 because it's all one
group of see 6+1=7.
Same if it were 8...8+1=9
A car tag with numbers that add up to
26...well that's easy. It's 26 and one
complete number...26+1 of course=27
and so on and so forth.

Am I driving you nuts yet???

I have done this for as many years as
I can remember....odd numbers good...
even numbers bad.

I had to use one even number once and
hated it....the number 8 was my medic
number when I worked EMS. It changed from
13 to 8 when I became assistant supervisor.
I asked, I begged to keep 13.
No, you can't keep 13. All supervisors
and administration have number 8 or less.
truly broke my heart.
I even tried to trade with someone else
for an odd number....boss would not let me
do that either. It would be too confusing
for everyone to change the numbers. He
did ask me one day what I had against
the number's even. SO?....
So, what it's even and I don't do even.
He just laughed and told me to go away.

I still don't do even. After all these years,
after all those numbers. Odd it is and must be.

Yes, go me weird. Everyone else
does. It's ok I like weird too.

Acording to my computer clock this post
was completed at 10:56....changed.


Blogger for_the_lonely said...

that is not weird....i think, i KNOW that i have ocd...i count how many letters are in words...and if the time that i post is odd, I'll change it...i know how many steps there are outside..16...even though i do not go outside from my agoraphobia. numbers are constantly running through my mind, so you are SO not alone!

Thursday, June 02, 2005 11:20:00 PM  
Blogger meelo said...

lol, jan, you may not even believe me if i tell you this, but i swear i'm being truthful: i do the same thing. not the exact same. my number is ten. my fingers are in constant motion. i'm not as anal about it as you - the number doesn't ALWAYS have to be ten. i can work with others, but my fingers still drum to syllables, letters, beats, whatever. the counting still goes on in my head. but if it's up to me (usually with syllables), i make them divisible by ten. i don't think i've ever told anyone this! but it was insane for me to read this post because i knew exactly what you were talking about with the fingers...

i don't drum mine on objects. i make each finger touch my thumb in order, back and forth they go. i know this will drive you NUTS because it's an even number - sorry. can't do anything about it. just wanted you to know that i do NOT think you are weird. just another tortured and obssessive soul like mine.

Thursday, June 02, 2005 11:21:00 PM  
Blogger lightfeather said...

Numbers? 7's and 3's....nope, you're not weird! In fact, I rather like odd!

You are such a loving support. Thank you for loving me.


Thursday, June 02, 2005 11:45:00 PM  
Blogger author said...

ok you are all fired as friends.
I could never be in a room with all of you.

Friday, June 03, 2005 5:24:00 AM  
Blogger Cindy said...

What I find ODD is that you would have a fetish for numbers at all. There is way too much math involved in this. I have OCD when it comes to the keys, I have to check and recheck where they are. It might just be that I fear being locked out, or locked in EVEN! I crack myself up sometimes!!

Friday, June 03, 2005 5:59:00 AM  
Blogger Jaded said...

I think we all have little "quirks" that are unique to us, but might seem strange to others. I can NOT say "bye" or "good-bye" whether on the phone or in person. I say something like "see ya" or "have a great week" etc. I'm afraid that bye is too final and will jinx it. So, if I say "see ya" it means I'll see you again and haven't said a final good bye. I won't let my husband say it to me either. If he says "bye" on the phone, I call him right back and make him fix it. I don't insist that everyone does this, just my husband.

See? We're all a little weird when ya think about it!


Friday, June 03, 2005 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee, I never knew that you were so weird. I was told that you do it even though you do not know that you are doing it. Damn!

Hey Jan, 2...4...6....8.....10


nah, I think it is weird, but kind of neat.

Do you realize that your age is a double digit of even numbers. hehehehe. That is why you are having such bad luck this year with your kidney stone and gallbladder thing. I see! You should have just went ahead and skipped a year. Then also when you add your age numbers together, it also an even number. Then when you add the digits to your house address together, they are an even number. Dont foget the number of rooms you are responsible for in the er, it is even too! You have two vehicles and in your office at home two computers.

hehehehe....sorry Annie, Jan is going to be thinking all night about this. I just love being mean. I enjoy it though.

Love ya bunches! Mean it!

Friday, June 03, 2005 6:59:00 PM  
Blogger Jan said...

Thanks everyone for the comments. You all don't make me feel so weird afterall.

Blue girl I have a fix for all those even numbers...
first my age 44 is one number that makes 45.
house address....its one number so that makes it 13.
the rooms in the er 1-4 is one set of numbers so thats 5.
2 vehicles and one garage=3
2 computers and one office=3...
see I can always find a way to make it odd in my head....LOL
love ya like a sister blue go with even though

Friday, June 03, 2005 7:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are hilarous! I have never known this about you but it is very interesting to know. I think this may be my new way to aggravate you.

Love ya, mean it, will love this too!

Friday, June 03, 2005 8:55:00 PM  
Blogger Cindy said...

OK, Jan, you really are weird! I think my brain just wiggled, please stop the numbers!!

Friday, June 03, 2005 9:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, Jan, that is so cool! I'm telling you, I thought I was weird! I love odd numbers too and hate even ones. My favorite #? 3. I have 3 kids instead of 4 because if I'd had 4, I would have had to do it again to get 5 and that was just too many! Funny eh? There's more but I won't bore you. Peace.

Saturday, June 04, 2005 11:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But Jan, you posted this on 6/2, and you you could say 6+2 = 8. *ahem* We are polar opposites. My thing is even numbers!

p.s. only posting the site so as to not be anonymous to you, because I can't stand the anonymous internet thing, and I really ain't a blogger. cheers, my dear.

Saturday, June 04, 2005 10:02:00 PM  
Blogger Jan said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

Monday, June 06, 2005 11:22:00 PM  
Blogger Jan said...

Jan/Fred said...
6+2=8 plus it's one month so, always comes out odd....always

Thanks for the comment Julie..LOL

Monday, June 06, 2005 11:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very, very funny, my dear. :) Right you are. Think that makes us, um, even.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005 8:24:00 PM  
Blogger HypnoKitten said...

it's 6-2-05.. that makes 13. But she changed the time to 0157, effectively making a post in the future on 6-3-05 (which makes 14 BTW and 1+4=5). I see no problems with this... ;) heh heh

But no, I don't have anything going with numbers. They are not my friends. My thing is not letting foods on the plate touch eachother. Ugh!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005 3:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, now I cannot post back because I'll ruin the even 16 comments. But then 1+7 equals my favorite #. But Jan will turn it into an odd anyway, so she at least will be happy.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005 6:04:00 PM  

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